Live Webinar: Magical Debugging with OzCode

Live Webinar: Magical Debugging with OzCode

Hello, I’m your host, Igal Tabachnik, one of the OzCode developers, here to tell you what we’ve been doing lately. Join us Thursday, June 19th, 15:00 – 16:00 GMT for our very first live webinar, where we’re unveiling OzCode v1.0!

In this webinar I will show you for the first time some of the coolest features we’ve been working on. You will learn how OzCode helps you to turn everyday debugging tasks into a pleasurable experience, how to find and fix bugs faster than ever before!

The intended audience are all .NET developers who have ever spent inordinate amount of time debugging their code, which means you!

Please contact me directly via twitter or email if you have any questions, or contact us directly at!

Hurry up, space is limited; please sign up for the webinar now!

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