OzCode is free for non-commercial open source projects!

OzCode is free for non-commercial open source projects!

We here at OzCode Software are really big fans of the .NET open source community.

From NuGet to NHibernate to NUnit, you can hardly do any serious .NET development work today without coming to rely on these great collaborations between people from different countries, working together to create quality software for the benefit of us all.

For instance, “OzCode” relies on the excellent SharpDevelop and Mono.Cecil libraries  for all of our code parsing and semantic analysis. It’d be fair to say that without the passion, hard work, and huge talent of the people who’ve contributed to these libraries, our project would not have been possible. Furthermore, we’ve come to rely on GitHub Code Search as an indispensable tool in our day-to-day work.

With this in mind, we’ve decided to announce that “OzCode” is now free (as in beer and nachos) for non-commercial open source development. If you are actively engaged in .NET open source development, now would be the time to apply for your free license!

Please note though, that the OzCode Open Source license can only be used for non-commercial open source development, so if you’re an open source hacker by night and a cubicle warrior by day, you’ll still need to ask your boss to buy a corporate license for you to use at work.

We hope that you’ll find OzCode useful, and continue to share your talent with the world, one commit at a time.

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